Circus Lyfe is a narrative life simulation game for Android devices and Chromium browsers, created for my senior undergraduate thesis at New College of Florida. 

The player takes the role of a circus’ new trapeze artist and experiences both the social and professional sides of their new life. As the game progresses, the player will hone their skills on the trapeze and forge a friendship with another trapeze artist, Donna. This leads to the player’s debut performance in the circus, where they will be tested on their trapeze abilities and have the opportunity to perform alongside Donna if they have become good friends.

Note: This android version of this game was made and tested using a Motorola Z3. Due to limited device access, the game may behave strangely on different phone sizes. Please feel free to let me know of any Android device issues or incompatibilities. 

Circus Lyfe was written in Unity 2019.3.3f1, using a modified version of Yarn Spinner version 1.1.


circus_lyfe.apk 76 MB
Version 1 Feb 10, 2021

Install instructions

To download the game, you need either an Android device or emulated Android device running Android version 4.4 or higher. First, you will need to give permission to install apps from unknown sources. This process differs from device to device, but for Android versions 8.8 and up the general process is: -Open Settings -Tap on Apps -Tap on Special App Access -Tap on Install Unknown Apps -Give permission to Chrome (or whichever web browser you are using) by tapping the icon and "Allow from this source."

Then, navigate to this repository in your device's web browser and download "Circus_Lyfe.apk." Once it is downloaded, tap on the APK on your notifications or navigate to it in your file manager and tap on it. You will be asked if you would like to install the app, click "install." After the install finishes you will be able to play the game.

Development log

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